Action plan to leverage the contribution of neglected and underutilized species to address hunger, poverty and sustainability


Action plan to leverage the contribution of neglected and underutilized species to address hunger, poverty and sustainability

Value Chain Development Climate Change Adaptation On-Farm Conservation Capacity, Awareness & Policy NUS 2013

Recommendations from the 3rd International Conference on Neglected and Underutilized Species – for a food-secure Africa,  held in Accra Ghana last September have been published this week in the form of a nine-point action plan to realize the promise of neglected and underutilized species in addressing hunger, poverty and sustainability in Africa and beyond. A policy brief has also been released in English, French and Portuguese to raise awareness on the importance of supporting research and development efforts on these species.

The Accra statement for a food-secure Africa and policy brief set out nine action points:

  1. Include neglected and underutilized species in national and international strategies and frameworks that address global issues
  2. Establish a list of priority neglected and underutilized species on which to focus research and development 
  3. Support research on neglected and underutilized species and their agronomic, environmental, nutritional and socioeconomic contributions to resilient production systems
  4. Support the development of value chains and small agri-businesses for neglected and underutilized species
  5. Strengthen collaboration and information-sharing between researchers, extension specialists, the private sector, farmers and their organizations
  6. Promote the cultivation of neglected and underutilized species through campaigns to raise awareness of the commercial opportunities they offer and their agronomic and nutritional benefits
  7. Increase support for conservation of neglected and underutilized species in situ, on farm and ex situ, and strengthen seed systems
  8. Empower custodian farmers, and support farmers’ rights to share the benefits from neglected and underutilized species
  9. Strengthen the capacity of individuals and organizations in research, education and development of neglected and underutilized species

The Accra Statement and related documents such as the  2012 Cordoba declaration (191 KB) will be used for further policy, advocacy, and research and development initiatives to diversify agricultural systems for greater food security.

Find The Accra Statement for a Food-Secure Africa and the policy brief in EnglishFrench, Spanish, and Portuguese on the Bioversity International Webpage.

Also Read the full press release on these publications on the Bioversity International Website.

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