Access to Minor millet Genetic Resources in Rural Market Towns of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India

Access to Minor millet Genetic Resources in Rural Market Towns of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India

Access to Minor millet Genetic Resources in Rural Market Towns of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India


The scope of the study includes characterising different vendors in local markets, especially during the sowing season.

Español: El acceso de recursos genéticos de mijos menores en las ciudades de mercado rural de Dharmapuri Distrito, Tamil Nadu, India 

Farmers in Dharmapuri District access  minor millet crop seeds through onformal and formal sources. They either use their own farm-saved stocks or borrow from neighbours through informal exchanges within village communities. Since research systems are poorly developed for minor millets, traditional varieties dominate farming systems, and explicit formalized channels of seed are not well developed. Hence, the existing seed systems of these minor crops in India are typically 'autarkic'. In other words, genetic resources embodied in seed are not introduced from locations beyond a given geographical radius and there is no interaction with private companies or public seed corporations. When traditional or autrakic seed systems are stressed either due to crisis or in the process of economic development where traditional relationships may break down, local markets assume importance in exchanging necessary crop genetic resources. 

Journal/Series: Nagarajan, L. King, E.D.I.O., Smale, M. and Dalton, T.J.
Publication Years: 2009
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