Assessing Farmer's Willingness to Participate in the On-farm Conservation of Minor Millet using Direct Compensation Payment

Assessing Farmer's Willingness to Participate in the On-farm Conservation of Minor Millet using Direct Compensation Payment

Assessing Farmer's Willingness to Participate in the On-farm Conservation of Minor Millet using Direct Compensation Payment


This study attempts to examine the role of farmer incentive mechanisms to conserve minor millets in Kolli Hills.

Español: Evaluación de la disposición de los agricultores a participar en la conservación en finca de Millet Minor usando Compensación de Pago Directo.

The farmers, predominantly the small and tribal, particularly in regions of rich agro-biodiversity immensely contribute to the on-farm conservation and enrichment of this diversity, often at personal cost. The past and present agricultural progress could not have happened without these genetic resources and associated knowledge conserved by farmers. On-farm conservation assumes more importance in the context of climate change in view of the gene evolution it promotes. Therefore, it plays crucial role to the future global food and nutritional security.

Authors: P. T. Raghu; S. Das; S. B. Ravi; E.D.I.O. King
Publication Years: 2012
On-Farm Conservation Minor millets South Asia IFAD-NUS I-II Journal Articles All