Collective action and marketing of underutilized plant species

Collective action and marketing of underutilized plant species

Collective action and marketing of underutilized plant species


The case of minor millets in Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, India.

The paper is organized as follows. We first present the context of the study, describing the agricultural system of Kolli Hills and the role and actions of M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation in the Kolli Hills. We then analyze the nature and role of collective action initiatives that have been in operation in the development of the market for minor millets in Kolli Hills and compare them with collective actions involved in the existing marketing channels for cassava and pineapple. Finally, based on the example of minor millets in Kolli Hills, we draw a few conclusions on the importance of collective action for the successful commercialization of underutilized crops, and discuss the potential limits of market based solutions for the conservation of agro-biodiversity.

Authors: Israel Oliver King, E. D., Nagarajan, L., Gruère, G. P.
Publication Years: 2006
Minor millets Journal Articles All Value Chain Development South Asia