Domesticating Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Towards an instrument for environmentally effective, cost-efficient and socially equitable agrobiodiversity conservation

Domesticating Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Towards an instrument for environmentally effective, cost-efficient and socially equitable agrobiodiversity conservation

Domesticating Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Towards an instrument for environmentally effective, cost-efficient and socially equitable agrobiodiversity conservation


FAO Reports on the State of the World's Plant and Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture depict an unprecedented loss of agriculture species, varieties, breeds and associated traditional knowledge occuring across the globe.

Español: Domesticar Los pagos  por servicios ambientales (PES): Hacia un instrumento para la conservación de la biodiversidad agrícola ambientalmente eficaz, rentable y socialmente equitativo. 

The convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 specifically calls for the development and application of positive incentives for th conservation and use of biodiversity. In situ conservation is also the preferred appraoch under CBD. The need for intervention and positive incentives for plant and animal genetic resources (PAGR) conservation and sustainable used can be economically justified. Some observers have hailed PES as "arguably, the most promising innovation in conservation since Rio 1992". Agrobiodiversity-related payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes appear to be an environmentally effective and cost-efficient mechanism through which to provide such incentives. Equity considerations may also be taken into account.

Authors: Bioversity International
Publication Years: 2011
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