Eastern India Convention on Millets: Reimagining Agriculture Community Voices and Solutions to Challenges facing Agriculture

Eastern India Convention on Millets: Reimagining Agriculture Community Voices and Solutions to Challenges facing Agriculture

Eastern India Convention on Millets: Reimagining Agriculture Community Voices and Solutions to Challenges facing Agriculture


Summary of the two-day convention of millet farmers form the eastern Indian states of Odisha, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand, organized at Ramiah Hall, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology

Español: Convención de la India del este en Millets: reimaginar la agricultura comunitaria Voces y soluciones a los retos de la agricultura. 

The two-day convention concluded with the farmers bringing out a ringing declaration in support of millets in food and farming.

Authors: Millet Network of India and NIRMAN-Odisha and Agragamee
Publication Years: 2011
Capacity, Awareness & Policy Minor millets South Asia Conference and Workshop Proceedings All