Food security and climate change: Role of plant genetic resources of minor millets

Food security and climate change: Role of plant genetic resources of minor millets

Food security and climate change: Role of plant genetic resources of minor millets


In this article minor millets are suggested as the best candidates to replace commodities like wheat and rice in areas affected by climate change.

Recent climate modeling findings regarding climate change in South Asia warn against the impact that predicted modifications in monsoon dynamics will create in the region by the end of this century, including fewer summer precipitations and longer breaks between rainy periods. Rice and wheat cultivation are expected to be affected in terms of cultivation patterns and yield reduction. Such a scenario calls for urgent and strategic interventions towards adaptive agricultural measures that while ensuring a continued food production to an ever growing population, will buffer populations against the threats of climate change. A great ally to that end is represented by the plant genetic resources of minor millets that are well suited to enhance resilience of local production systems and strengthen food and nutrition security, particularly among the rural poor.

Authors: Padulosi, S., Mal, B., Ravi, S., Gowda, J., Gowda, K.T.K., Shanthakumar, G., Yenagi, N. & Dutta, M.
Publication Years: 2009
Climate Change Adaptation Minor millets South Asia Journal Articles All