Upgrading grain amaranth value chains in Africa

Upgrading grain amaranth value chains in Africa

Upgrading grain amaranth value chains in Africa


Policy brief on needs for value chain upgrading of amaranth in Africa, a highly nutritious crop that can increase resilience of production systems and empower the poor. More attention is needed from research, economic activities and general policy support.

Sharing results of the project "Strengthening capacities and informing policies for developing value chains of neglected and underutilized crops in Africa" under the ACP-EU Science & Technology Programme (S&T II) 2014-2016

Authors: G. Chemining’wa, P. Rudebjer and R. Hall
Publisher: Bioversity International
Partners: Laboratory for Agricultural Bioversity and Tropical Plant Breeding (LAAPT), African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE); University of Nairobi, International Foundation for Science (IFS), Africa University
Publication Years: 2016
Value Chain Development Capacity, Awareness & Policy Amaranth Africa ACP-EU Value Chains Fact Sheets Research Briefs