Reinforcing the resilience of poor rural communities in the face of food insecurity, poverty and climate change through on-farm conservation of local agrobiodiversity (2011 - 2015)

Climate Change Resilience and Traditional Crops

Phases III and IV of the IFAD NUS project  [1] aim to enhance the resilience of rural communities to climate change by strengthening the conservation and use of local agricultural biodiversity. The project is investigating the role of agricultural biodiversity and neglected and underutilized species  [2] in climate change adaptation and exploring means to leverage their contribution to enhance food security, nutrition, and income-generation in face of weather challenges. The primary target group and beneficiaries of the project are poor farmers, women’s groups and other users who rely on local crops for their food security, income and other livelihood benefits.

is global coordinator of the project, which is being implemented in Nepal, India, and Bolivia under the coordination of Local Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development (LI-BIRD  [3]), M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF  [4]), and Fundación Promoción e Investigación de Productos Andinos (PROINPA  [5]). This work fits within the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)  [6].

A millet food fair held in Mandla, Madhya Pradesh. Photo Credit Stefano Padulosi, Bioversity International


The Project will create mechanisms for capturing and sharing knowledge at local, national and international levels. In collaboration with its partners, it will ensure an explicit communication protocol to allow systematic exchange of information and knowledge among all partners involved across the three target countries. An interactive web site will be created through which the voice of communities partnering in the project will be heard through images, messages and videos that will document their views regarding traditional crops, on farm conservation and climate change.

Major Activities

The main action areas for the project concerned:



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